Online Housing Application
To apply for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing, or Project Based Housing, complete the application below.
If you have already submitted an application, please do not submit another one, unless you would like to apply for programs you have not already applied for. You will receive a notice in the mail whether your application was approved and placed on our waiting list or if it has been denied. SUBMITTING ANOTHER APPLICATION DOES NOT GET YOU A VOUCHER OR HOUSING QUICKER.
If you are unsure if your application was received, please contact our office at 218-637-2421.
If you prefer to download a printable copy of the form, please click here. Your completed application should then be mailed to PO Box 128, Mentor, MN 56736. Do not e-mail or fax due to sensitive information. You will receive a letter letting you know if your application is pre-approved. Be sure to notify us if you have a change in address.